Rebekah Erin reading books on her bed

You can find peace amidst uncertainty

Dive Into These Resources to Find Relief and Direction for Your Journey

Faith Journey Resources

Are you longing for peace and direction? Here is a clickable list of podcasts, books, and support groups. Some are resources that have been invaluable to me in my personal journey, and some are resources that others found valuable on their journey to find greater faith, peace, and hope. Different topics, different speakers, and different formats resonate with different people. Pick something that speaks to you and dive in, take the next step forward in your journey! 

Girl outside sitting down with eyes closed

While you are exploring the resources, schedule a free call to see how I can support you in what you are learning on your journey. 

-Jared Halverson - Restore Conference 2022

“You have a chance to rebuild with better things”

“If you feel cracks in your foundation, if your spiritual suprastructure has come crashing down, you have an opportunity to rebuild with things far better than your original construction. Think about forest fires… that burn out old growth that may be shading areas that need revitalization and [allow] for new growth to come underneath.”

-Jared Halverson - Restore Conference 2022

Personal Development and Communication Resources

Struggling in our faith, we can easily attach shame and fear to our experience.  It can feel very confusing and difficult to parse out where our feelings originate. At times some of the  components we feel are part of our “faith crisis” may better be characterized in terms of human development, belief systems, communication pain points,  and unhealthy personal boundaries. Accurately categorizing our experiences can help us take a huge step forward in our journey. As we become more differentiated  and whole as an individual, we can find greater peace and clarity as we journey in our faith. We move towards choosing rather than being acted upon. We start to become the author in our life. Click the button below for access to personal development and relationship resources to help you on your journey.

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